Diary of a commute: day 1

30 Sep

Today marked day 1 of my new life as a road warrior. Well, as a commuter at least. Here’s how it went.

Miles travelled: 110
Minutes of traffic encountered: 0 (woop woop!)
Weather conditions: fine, sunny, warm.
Leaves: turning.
Irresponsible, selfish, tailgating New Jersey drivers: 3.
Geocaches searched for: 2.
Geocaches found: 1.
Net calorie gain/loss: break even I think, due to a lot of back-and-forth walking in our massive office.
State of mind: better than expected.

One Response to “Diary of a commute: day 1”


  1. Ponderings of a commute | laineyloutodo - 12/10/2013

    […] I did a few short posts marking the first week of my life as a commuter. You can read them here: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day […]

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